Preamble AI Security ROI Calculator

Organization Profile

Department Assessment

Tools & Compliance


Organization Profile

Getting Started
Let's understand your organization's needs better. Fill out the basic information below to help us provide tailored recommendations.
Your industry helps us identify specific AI security risks and compliance requirements.
This helps us scale recommendations appropriately for your organization size (minimum 10 employees).
We'll recommend solutions that fit within your budget constraints.
Do you have an existing in-house AI application?
This helps determine if we should focus on securing existing AI systems or implementing new ones.
For organizations with existing AI systems, this helps estimate the cost of our Guardrails solution (based on 8hr workday, 5 days/week).

Department Assessment

Department Breakdown
Review and customize the department data below to match your organization's structure. This helps us identify which departments will benefit most from AI implementation.

Edit the table below to match your organization

Number of Employees
Average Salary
Hours Per Week on Manual Tasks
✓ Add or modify departments as needed
✓ Update employee counts to reflect your team structure
✓ Estimate time spent on tasks that could be automated with AI

Tools & Compliance

Optimize Costs & Reduce Risk
In this section, we'll identify potential savings from consolidating tools with AI capabilities and estimate compliance risk reduction based on your industry.

Current Software & Tools

Review and edit your current technology expenses that could be optimized with AI solutions.

Tool Category
Current Monthly Cost per User
Number of Users
Estimated Reduction %
Project Management
Adjust the "Estimated Reduction %" to reflect how much you believe AI could help reduce costs in each category.

Build vs Buy Analysis

Compare Building In-House vs Preamble
Adjust the values below to compare the cost of building and maintaining your own AI security platform versus using Preamble's enterprise solution.

Your Personalized AI Security Plan

Your Customized Recommendation
Based on your inputs, we've generated a comprehensive AI security implementation plan tailored to your organization's needs, budget, and industry requirements.
Want to learn more about implementing these recommendations? Contact our team at